The Solution towords the problem of All lights of Ford Vcm 2 are out after 5 minutes normal working

The Solution towords the problem of All lights of Ford Vcm 2 are out after 5 minutes normal working
The Solution towords the problem of All lights of Ford Vcm 2 are out after 5 minutes normal working

Some customers may meet with the phenomenon:

All lights of Ford Vcm 2 are out and the device lost communcation with the PC and Vehicle after 4-5 minutes normal working .If you try to connect the device with PC and vehicle, the lights are on and recover to normal.

There is something wrong with the capcitance which contributes to the problem.
We suggest you buy a new capcitance in your local market to replace the old one or send mail to us asking for a new one ,the specification of the capcitance is showed as below: