Any solution For PCMTuner Software Blank No Show Instruction Page

Here comes the problem:

My pcmtuner software is no longer showing me any pinout connection diagrams, it’s just showing blank on instructions page after choosing the ecu to work on. I don’t know whats going on with it. Instruction page is just blank.

Pcmtuner Blank No Instruction

Possible reason:

1. This ECU is not supported so pcmtuner will not give instruction.

Always refer to your module list for pcmtuner

2. If the ecu is done via OBD or OBD vr, there are no pinouts provided for obd modules.

For example,  all Toyota modules are OBD, there are hundreds of ECU’s, if you need to do other than OBD you will need to research a pin out schematic.

3. If pcm tuner app not showing pinout on ALL ECUs, restart computer and run pcm as administrator.

Run as admin, if win10 ensure Microsoft edge up to date. If win 7 ensure edge plugin installed and up to date.