VXDIAG VCX SE vs Openport 2.0, ,What’s the better ?

What’s the better diagnostic interface for Jaguar Land rover JLR SDD software, Openport or VXDIAG VCX SE?

User working experience:


Tactrix Openport

I faced problem with Openport 2.0 (original not a clone) on a Jaguar 2014 (technically Nov/2013 but according to the VIN 2014) that vehicle communicates with the modules only on the HS CAN, no MS CAN modules can talk.  Openport does not see all modules, it is a known problem.

Openort connects via USB only.

Openport does not support DoIP protocol so it is not compatible with Pathfinder.




Vxdiag Vcx Se Bmw 1

vcx se connects via WiFi and it is very convenient.  wlan is stable at a distance of up to 2m, there is already a Type c connector and it is held very tightly.
It also allows firmware update online.

SDD with this vxdiag cable Everything works. It allows to change any parameter in CCF with a hack (available on youtube)

vcx se jlr has DoIP for newer cars, you can also add Pathfinder license to the device.  openport you cannot use Pathfinder.