Here’s the clue.
Xhorse Condor and Dolphin key cutting machines are mainly fro car keys, but also have a few motorcycle and household keys are on database.
The Xhorse key cutter are the cheapest it been the most reliable and most accurate key cutting machine, it also boots the quickest and has done 99% of the keys people need.
In Condor mini plus has some Motorcycle data included. So does Dolphin XP005, XP005L and Condor II.
You can use universal duplicate to duplicate a motorcycle key. You can also create custom key data.
You can create custom bitting with the app, We’ve been doing Honda and Suzuki motorcycle keys with the Condor.
You can search and download my Suzuki bitting in the app, it’s under “Hayabusa”.
Custom Key Tool for Condor XC-Mini is perfect for double sided keys or high security. You can find all the measurements of your key blank on InstaCode.
It does not have many kawasaki keys database, you need Instacode as reference to get a key blank code and then on the Cut by Bitting menu search for that key blank HON77 for example.
Condor XC009 also makes all vertical motorcycle keys.
As for key programming, Tango and tmpro have pretty good coverage on bikes.
OBDSTAR also releases motorcycle special key programming devices.