Here is one issue from our customer:I used GM TECHII to diagnose SAAB, this tool bought from your here,
but it can's add CIM module and can't find CANDI module,
have an error message: "NO CANDI Communication Established".
any ideas?
The solution:
Tech support from professionals:
IMPORTANT: Sometimes, it’s just problem with candi, as when using on other cars without candi, it’s just perfect. So you should have a good candi such as . It’s just better, but still needs to connect a few times. So you can buy another card 148. If not totally solved, rewrite the card to 143 and 136. Both work fine. That is, 148 is no good for candi. Could be corrupted software, or the card problem. These cards coming together with Tech 2 are not good sometimes. You’d better but china knock-offs from a man of his word to trust in.
Hope it has helps