Main Functions of GODIAG GT101 PIRT Power Probe:
1.Circuit Troubleshooting Test (Short Circuit, Open Circuit)
When the vehicle's headlights, turn signals, lift windows, sunroofs and other functions fail, GT101 can be used to detect the circuit voltage or supply power for these components to find out whether it is a circuit problem or a component damage.
1)According to the circuit diagram, locate the fault point that may have the problem, and the GT101 electric tester can detect the positive and negative electricity.
2)Detect whether the circuit has normal positive or negative electricity.
3)Input positive voltage to the malfunctioning component (for example, headlight or motor). If the component works normally, it means that the circuit may be open. Otherwise, it means that the component is damaged.

2.Relay Test
When the car's headlights, turn signals, horn and the engine starter do not work, if there is no problem with these components after detection, you can check the relay switch.
After the relay is removed from the car, connect the adapter based on the connection of the relay.

3.Fuel Injector Test
When the vehicle has difficulty in starting, acceleration and fuel consumption, etc, it is necessary to check the fuel injector.
When detecting the fuel injector, if the fuel injector is driven to open or close, the ammeter shows the normal value and the fuel injector woks normally, it means that the fuel injector is normal. Otherwise, it means that the fuel injector is damaged.

4.Fuel Injector Cleaning
When the fuel injector is blocked, the fuel injection is not smooth. There are carbon deposits and thick sticky substance in the gap of the fuel injector. The designed fuel injection volume or atomization effect cannot be achieved, it needs to be cleaned.
1)Prepare a fuel injector cleaner pressurized can or a carburetor cleaner pressurized can(nozzle diameter of the pressurized cans : 4mm)
2)Hold the manual cleaning tool tightly with your hand, and firmly fix the fuel injector with your fingers to prevent the pressure of the cleaner can from washing away the the fuel injector.
3)Pay attention to the hazards of liquid to human body during manual cleaning, and take protective measures. Do not operate in dangerous places with open flames because the pressurized cans are extremely flammable. Choose an open place to facilitate the discharge of cleaning liquid.)