Autel MK808S vs. MK808TS vs. DS808K vs. MP808BT

How to distinguish Autel 808 series diagnostic tablets? Here we’ve listed a comparison table between MK808S, MK808TS, DS808K & MP808BT for reference. Let’s move forward to find out which tool is better.

Comparison Table

Item Autel MaxiCOM MK808S Autel MaxiCOM MK808TS Autel MaxiDAS DS808K Autel MaxiPRO MP808BT
Price USD 359 USD 589 USD 740 USD 719
Released time 2022 2019 2017 2021
RAM 4G 1G 1G 1G
ROM 64G 64G 64G 64G
Battery 5000mAh 5000mAh 5000mAh 5000mAh
System Android 11,


7 inch

Android 4.4.4,


7 inch

Android 4.4.4,


7 inch

Android 4.4.4,


7 inch

Screen 1024*600 1024*600 1024*600 1024*600
Wi-Fi 2.4 & 5 GHz 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz
Weight 0.78kg 0.694kg 0.694kg 0.765kg
VCI Main cable VCI Mini Main cable VCI Mini
Read & clear codes
Data stream
Special function
Action test
VW, Audi, Skoda hidden features × ×
VW, Audi, Skoda, Seat, Man LD guidance × ×
Auto VIN
Remote Desk
Digital Inspection Camera(Autel MV108/MV105)
Battery test(Autel BT506) × ×
TPMS × × ×
Report on cloud
Language Muti-language Muti-language Muti-language Muti-language
Renault gateway supported
North American FCA Auto Auth


  1. Price

Autel MK808S < MK808TS < MP808BT < DS808K


  1. Hardware

Autel MK808S > MK808TS = DS808K = MP808BT

Except for VCI connection, there’s not much difference between MK808TS, MP808BT, DS808K. MK808S is released later and equipped with the highest configuration.


  1. Software

Autel MK808S < MK808TS < DS808K < MP808BT

Only MK808TS support TPMS service such as sensors programming or activation.

MP808BT covers more advanced diagnostic features than others.



Autel MK808S is the best buys for entry level car diagnosis. If you haven’t any scanners before, MK808S would be worth considering.


If you also need TPMS comprehensive functions, MK808TS is the best.


However, buy MP808BT now can win 2 years free update. Just register before 30th, Nov. That sounds like a good investment, too.